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    227px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
    269px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
    10px; background-color: #c2e0f4; text-align: left;">Country || Representation
    11px; background-color: #c2e0f4; text-align: left;">Country || Representation

    1. <strong><img class="img-fluid" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/sa_16.png">strong> Saudi Arabia || > (33%)
    "font-size: 14.4px;">2. style="font-size: 12pt;">="flag">iq_16.png" height="13"> Iraq || (26%)
    3. <span style="font-size: 12pt;">eg_16.png" height="13"> </span></span>Egypt || (8%)
    4. src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/ru_16.png"> </span>strong><span>Russia || ( 7% )></span>5. style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/sy_16.png"> Syria || ( 7% )
    6. <strong>style="font-size: 12pt;">lb_16.png" height="13">
    Lebanon || ( 4% )
    7. <img class="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/kw_16.png"> Kuwait || ( 3% )<br>8. jo_16.png"> Jordan || ( 2% )
    9. <span>style="font-size: 12pt;">="img-fluid" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/dz_16.png" height="13"></span> Algeria || ( 1% )
    10. <img class="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/in_16.png"> India || ( 1% )<br>11. 12pt
    ;">src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/kg_16.png" height="13"> Kyrgyzstan <span style="font-size: 14.4px;">|| ( 1% )</span>></span>12. ="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/ma_16.png"> Morocco || style="font-size: 12pt;">style="font-size: 14.4px;">( 1% )</span>
    13. ps_16
    .png"> Palestine || ( 1% )
    14. ae_16
    .png"> </span>United Arab Emirates || ="font-size: 12pt;">( 1% )
    15. <img class="img-fluid" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/gb_16.png"> United Kingdom || ( 1% )
    16. >>uz_16.png"> >Uzbekistan || ( 1% )
    17. ye_16.png"> strong>Yemen || <span style="font-size: 14.4px;">( 1% )>>

    1. style="font-size: 14.4px;"><span><span style="font-size: 12pt;">="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/eg_16.png" height="13"> span>Egypt || (20%)>
    2. style="font-size: 12pt;">class="flag">ru_16.png" height="13"> Iraq || (10%)
    3. <img class="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/jo_16.png">="font-size: 12pt;">class="flag"> <span style="font-size: 14.4px;">Jordan
    span> || (7%)
    4. style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/ma_16.png"> >Morocco</span> || ( 7% )
    </span>5. <img class="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/sa_16.png"> Saudi Arabia || ( 7% ) 
    . <span style="font-size: 12pt;">fi_16.png" height="13"></span>
    Finland || ( 5% )
    7. lt_16.png"> Lithuania || ( 5% )
    8. <img class="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/tn_16.png"> Tunisia || ( 5% )
    9. <span>="font-size: 12pt;">="img-fluid" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/tr_16.png" height="13"> Turkey || ( 5% )</span>14.4px;">10. style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/gb_16.png"> United Kingdom || ( 5% )<br>11. style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/dz_16.png">style="font-size: 12pt;">Algeria style="font-size: 14.4px;">|| ( 2% )</span>></span>12. ="img-fluid" style="font-size: 14.4px;" src="/flmngr/files/Flags%20x16p/by_16.png"> Belarus || ( 2% )
    13. ps_16
    .png"> Palestine || style
    ="font-size: 12pt;">( 2% )

    14. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">ae_16.png"> >United Arab Emirates || ( 2% )
    15. cz_16
    .png"> Czechia || ( 2% )
    16. kw_16.png"> Kuwait || ( 2% )
    17. Lebnaon || ( 2% )

    18.poland || ( 2% )

    19.sweden || ( 2% )

    20.syria|| ( 2% )>

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    Group stage Standings: -

    Group stage Standings: -


    Series: PMPL Type: Offline Prize Pool: 30,000$ USD
    Organizers: BME ESPORTS, Riot Games Location: Cairo Stadium Start Date: 2022-10-16
    Format: Squads TPP Teams: 8 End Date: 2022-10-22
    Platform: PC Sponsor(s): [N/A] T-Tier:

    A Tier

    Social Links:

    | | |

    Stream: [N/A ] | [N/A ]



    Show Talents:-

    • Host and Analysts:
        • CoolSystem (Jarrah Farid)
        • Bugza (Zyad Amr Alaa)
        • Giniro (keltoum Baddaje)
        • Yasmine Aboelfotoh
        • Tuxedo (Abdulrahman Al Mulla)
        • ZE1SH (Ahmed El Sheikh)
        • Rub1ck ( Foued el Beji)
    • Commentators:
        • Starfall 
        • MorganCasts
        • Maro
        • Jelyfish
        • Unsei
        • ExWarrior
        • Kremer3
        • Twiggy
        • Gottmoxi
        • NaoriMizuki


      • Group Stage:
        • Round Robin Group
        • All matches are Bo1
        • Top 4 Teams advance to Playoffs
      • Playoffs:
        • Ladder System
        • All matches are Bo3

    • Finals: OCT 22nd, 2022

    Country || Representation

    1. Egypt || (20%)
    2. Iraq || (10%)
    3. Jordan || (7%)
    4. Morocco || ( 7% )
    5. Saudi Arabia || ( 7% ) 
    6.  Finland || ( 5% )
    7. Lithuania || ( 5% )
    8. Tunisia || ( 5% )
    9. Turkey || ( 5% )
    10. United Kingdom || ( 5% )
    11. Algeria || ( 2% )
    12. Belarus || ( 2% )
    13. Palestine || ( 2% )
    14. United Arab Emirates || ( 2% )
    15. Czechia || ( 2% )
    16. Kuwait || ( 2% )
    17. Lebnaon || ( 2% )

    18.poland || ( 2% )

    19.sweden || ( 2% )

    20.syria|| ( 2% )

    Teams & Rosters

    NASR Esports

    • | Rarga
    • | A1mly
    • | Lemignon
    • | cactuzio
    • | sibeastw0w

    Piercer Esports

    • | ZODI4C
    • | xenon
    • | Nartzie
    • | sickrey
    • | shadow

    Falcons Esports

    • | Moh
    • | Fr4nky
    • | SpY
    • | alvar
    • | OuTLaW

    Team RA'AD

    • | Depyro
    • | avez
    • | Sand
    • | Chrollo
    • | Shniider

    YaLLa esports
    Geekay esports
    • | ShawateRR
    • | Kitkat
    • | kAzoo
    • | ISSAA
    • | Near
    • | Shalaby
    • | Rocket T
    • | Shehab
    • | Khepos
    • | WayLander

    • | Boaster
    • | Mistic
    • | Mini
    • | Leo
    • | Alfajer
    • | cNed
    • | Starxo
    • | Vakk
    • | Roxie

    Prize Pool:-

    $30,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:

    Place USD $ Team
    1st $12,000 Fnatic 
    2nd $8,000


    3rd $6,000 Geekay esports
    4th $4,000 Team Ra`ad
     Piercer esports

     Team Falcons

    YaLLa esports
     Nasr esports